Data Analytics and cloud infrastructure

IoT and automated systems

Innovation to reduce costs and optimize processes

Integrated solutions and real-time data analytics

Offering efficient, technological and integrated solutions are part of our portfolio and the competence of our team. This is how Geowellex proposes, through controlled, fast and highly reliable processes, to monitor parameters in real time and work to ensure maximum security and operational efficiency. In addition, our technologies also allow you to detect oil and gas zones efficiently and quickly from advanced gas analysis models and systems.

In this way, technology has become essential to overcome the challenges of the market and to thrive in the face of an ever-increasing degree. With this technology background, our field experts and technicians are trained to immediately identify operational abnormalities during drilling operations, making agile decisions that will avoid lost productive time as well as maintain operations security.

See also

Geological Services
Mud Logging
Gas Oil Logging While Drilling (GOLD)
Automated Mud Logging (AUTOMUD)
Geowellex Tech Center