The AUTOMUD system and its adjacent technologies represent a disruptive evolution for the Mud Logging service, covering technologies applied to smart drilling (1), geological monitoring and advanced mud logging (2) and real-time formation evaluation (3), this last through the GOLD system.

Our hydraulic calculation technologies were developed by teams of researchers and engineers, who validated all our models in the laboratory and in the field, thus obtaining efficient and more accurate calculation methodologies to evaluate the behavior of the cuttings flow, lag time and lag depth while drilling.

Our team of analysts has also developed algorithms and a cloud computing ecosystem to enable the development and use of machine learning as a service models, thus allowing the use of intelligent algorithms to perform the interpreted lithology in real time, as well as estimating and correcting LWD curves from Mud Logging parameters.

See also

Serviços geológicos
Registro de lama
Registro de gás e óleo durante a perfuração (GOLD)
Centro Tecnológico da Geowellex